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Coming Up With Unique Math Research Paper Ideas

Math is a subject which grows sequentially till matriculation and exponentially from then onwards. When a kid adds two and two together, he scare knows that one day he may be taking on the theories of electromagnetism. There is stupendous resource for research papers herein.

The foremost pillar

The foremost pillar of math is symmetry. It is only here that two times five invariably is the same as five times two. The mathematical enquiries are ever compact and precise. There is no margin for errors or fallacy. It is this attribute which has led to significant invention of computers and discovery of the exact distance from here to the Sun.

Here are a few examples of mathematical research paper ideas –

  1. Holistic mathematical learning – This will cover the various scopes of the subject at its root. The research has to show the intrinsic affinity that one stream of mathematics holds with others. It will show that geometry and algebra are the cogs of the same wheel.
  2. Critique of patterns into specific models – Everything has a model form and therein, it follows a pattern. Math states that everything is predictable except weather. The research is more to do with the systematization of that pattern to make the model amenable.
  3. The science of entropy – Wonder mathematician Stephen Hawking has brought this to the fold. The logic is that since time is expanding in tandem with space; what will happen when the saturation point is reached and the space starts constricting. Will time begin to revert back?
  4. The method of variation of growth – Trees grow high and then reach a level where the growth stops. The research would cover the reasons behind the variation of growth and how it suffuses every parlance of life.
  5. Algebraic principles in its highest orders – This asks for much grounding into the subject.
  6. The History of mathematics – The research would show the stepping stones on which math has rolled onto its eventual position.
  7. Structural consistency of patterns – Codes are read by following the pattern. There is pattern in everything; even hypothesis. Go for an analysis of patterns.
  8. The scope of creativity – At the base, it appears that there is no scope for creativity in a factual science as Mathematics. Reality is different.
  9. Optical metrics – This provides great space for substantial enquiry.
  10. Dynamics of human life – This is a very subjective topic which requires a number of perspective and precise analysis.

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