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A List Of Gender Research Paper Topics: Vital Suggestions For High School Students

Gender studies contain studies about men, women and LGBT. It is an interdisciplinary area that studies gender and sexuality from different perspectives. It is connected with sociology, law, political studies, medicine, etc. You can always find an interesting topic in this area of research. To come with a great topic for your research paper, look through the following list of sample topics. They will help you understand what area suits you best.

  1. What factors can influence a person’s body image?
  2. How do others’ opinions change an individual’s image of his or her body?
  3. What are the ways to develop positive body image among teenagers?
  4. Is it possible to lay the foundations of positive body image in a person’s early age?
  5. The problem of overweight among men and women: how does it affect the perception of their bodies?
  6. The principles of feminism: how do they influence women’s minds?
  7. Language masculinization: can changes in language influence the position of a woman in our society?
  8. Freud and his impact on feminist psychology.
  9. Domestic violence and battering syndrome: do all women experience this disorder?
  10. Comparing analysis of the problem of domestic violence in the past and nowadays: has the situation changed for the better?
  11. Have feminist movements improved a woman’s position in Asian countries?
  12. What are the ways to ease postmenopausal effects on women?
  13. Can emotions cause spontaneous abortion?
  14. The effect of abortion on women’s health.
  15. Why do women continue taking contraceptives that can harm their health?
  16. How have attitudes towards abortion been changing over centuries?
  17. Birth control vs abortion prohibition: should abortion be legalized or banned?
  18. Are the relations between mothers and sons different from the ones between mothers and daughters?
  19. The characteristics of the relations between fathers and daughters.
  20. Differences in psychology between men and women.
  21. Should boys and girls be treated differently?
  22. The impact of school on the formation of gender roles.
  23. Feminist views on the relationship between mothers and daughters.
  24. Psychological aspects of motherhood.
  25. Is it important for girls to be more connected to women than to men?
  26. Why women are considered to be more inclined to depressions than men?
  27. Should incest be considered a crime?
  28. What personal traits should be considered to be exclusively feminine or masculine?
  29. Should gender identity be based solely on biological distinctions?
  30. The views about masculinity in different societies.

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