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What To Know About Research Paper Preparation And Presentation: Helpful Hints

If you are curious about what to know about a research paper preparation and presentation, consider the following helpful hints:

The Purpose

The purpose of the presentation is to show off your research findings. It is where you communicate not only what you found, but the importance of your findings. You also create an opportunity for other people within the academic community to ask any questions and contribute their feedback to your work.

Technical Aspects

When putting together your presentation, you want to make sure that the background you use is visually interesting but that you also use the same background throughout the whole of your presentation. There is no need to change the background on every other side. Avoid a background which is distracting or otherwise challenging to read. The audience members should never have trouble reading what you have written.

The color that you use for the text needs to contrast the background and it should be one color. If you add another color in the middle of your text, it should be used for emphasis. You want to use different colors, if you so choose, to tie together various points. You should always remember that less is more in this case.

You want your font to be something standard, something easy to read. The body text of each slide should be 22 font size and the title for each slide should be 44 font size. You should use just one font style throughout the whole of your presentation and never use caps unless you are making a significant point.

Your slides should not be overburdened with text. You want the audience members to listen to you, but if you have large paragraphs on your slides they will not and will instead skip ahead and read the rest of your content. You should only have a large paragraph if you are quoting something. Otherwise, keep smaller bullet points in order to make sure the audience concentrates on your work.

Every presentation needs to have the same common structure no matter the field or type of research you conducted and that includes:

With all of these components you are sure to have a great presentation.

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